
Music Sound Pages

Music Pages

Visual Art

Music Related Web Sites: Equipment, Press, Web Sites of Interest
Some Radio Stations
- WFMU, East Orange, NJ
- WCSB, Cleveland, OH
- WMPG, Portland, ME
- WRPI, Troy, NY
- Earwaves
- CiTR, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- CIUT, Toronto, ON, Canada
- CFRO, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- WITR, Rochester, NY
- KSFR, Santa Fe, NM
- Fréquence Banane, Lausanne, Swisse
- KCRW, Santa Monica, CA
- WREK, Atlanta, GA
- KPFA, Berkeley, CA
- WIIT (Formerly WOUI), Chicago, IL
- CKCU, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Artists Sites or Other Sources of Artist Information
Non-Music Related Sites
Publications: Philosophy and Information Technology Related
- Genesis: Involvement: Generation, Table of Contents and Preface
- Genesis, Involvement, Generation, University Press of America, Washington, DC, 1981. A Monograph in Philosophy on Solipsism, Philosophy of Mind, Consciousness, Reality, and the Self.
- Bioterrorism: Anthrax, Sarin, and Smallpox What Can Be Done, Paper on the prospects of disaster recovery in the event of a bioterrorism attack
- Cyberwar the Weak Link in the Infrastructure, Paper on the the issue identifying the weak link in security as applied to the various elements that have been considered the essential infrastructure of the United States as a society
- Can Access Consciousness Qualify as Computer Consciousness? Or, So What If My Computer Can't Cry!, Philosophy paper on ascribing Access Consciousness, as presented by Ned Block, to Artificial Intelligence
- Biometrics, Paper on biometric systems and their utilization as security systems
- Internet Security: Intrusion, Spoofing, and SYN Floods, Paper on the prospects of Web site security and intrusions
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Paper on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Provisions for Copying or Reverse Engineering a Work of Art and the DMCA Security Considerations -- Affects on Organizations Today
Curriculum vitae
Fees, Charges, and Reproductions